The Simple Habit Tracker

16 ratings

Where Habits Shape Futures with...

The Simple Habit Tracker🔄

There is no way you forget any of your habits once you use this template!

What will you get?

Writing your Habits done for every single day to come?
That's a thing of the past.
Add your Habits to the integrated database and see them reappearing every day!

Beginner Friendly
There are too many overcomplicated Habit Trackers.
This will make it easy:
- add your Habits
- use it every day
- see your progress

Structured Overview (New feature)
Habit Tracking is nice, but seeing how much progress you made is even better.
With the Chart integration, you'll be able to spot how much you improved over the past days and weeks!



Who is the Simple Habit Tracker designed for?

For everyone who needs a little structure in their life.
Habits are often just small to-dos, but we keep on neglecting or forgetting them.
If that sounds like you, this template is perfect for you!

What is Notion?

Notion is a powerful and flexible all-in-one productivity tool that serves as a digital workspace.
It allows users to create and organize various types of content, including notes, documents, databases, task lists, project boards, and more.

Who am I?

I am Felix, an aspiring Notion-Creator with +1500 followers on Twitter and +3500 sales made on Gumroad.
I have already created and launched various products by utilizing the powerful features of Notion, Gumroad and Producthunt.

Can I share this product with others?

No, the product is for private use only. If you wish to share it with someone, kindly direct them to this page.

Are there full refunds?

No, since this is a digital product I won't initiate full refunds. This product can be duplicated into your own workspace which is why I can't revoke your access to it once you got your refund.
However, I offer a 40% refund if you can name a valid reason for it 48h after purchase.

Am I allowed to ask you questions?

Simply send me a DM on Twitter or shoot me an E-Mail to

Have fun with this template and don't forget to give me some feedback.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to hit me up in the DMs!

Best regards


I want this!

Refund Policy

Are there full refunds?

No, since this is a digital product I won't initiate full refunds.

This product can be duplicated into your own workspace which is why I can't revoke your access to it once you got your refund.

However, I offer a 40% refund if you can name a valid reason for it within 48h after purchase.

Last updated Aug 15, 2023

A beginner-friendly and easy-to-use Habit Tracker!

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The Simple Habit Tracker

16 ratings
I want this!